
The different facts about motoring in NSW and why they require you to have a green slip?


Maybe some people who have visited Australia a few times or once at least know that they do not allow you to drive your vehicle if you do not have a driving license, your car or any vehicle you have is not registered or you have no CTP.

There are many of us who are not sure what a CTP is and what it stands for. It is basically a compulsory third party insurance that every motorist has to buy before he or she even gets on the road on a vehicle.

There are no exceptions or excuses if you do not have a green slip or CTP.

To make sure you abide by the law in Australia, you always need to file and obtain a CTP before you start driving your vehicle. This is a kind of insurance that you may apply for with the registration process or it can also be obtained beforehand.

Motoring in NSW Australia has some requirements in which possessing the green slip is one of the basic and most crucial steps forward. Without having it, you would not be able to register or start driving your car within the area.

CTP or green slipcovers the damages that you cause to the third party vehicle and will pay for it when you are at fault. Though it clearly ensures that it does not cover your injuries.  In some instances, the insured person may get cover if not at fault.

People may think that why they should spend for the CTP if it does not cover the insuring person. The reason is that it is the law and you have to follow it. Secondly, it is surely helpful for the insured person because you are not going to pay for the damage you have caused to the third party and the insurance company will be paying for it.