When listening to the news, you may hear reports of different kinds of road accidents. This could prompt you to get your vehicle insured to keep off the expenses that come with such situations. As you plan to get insurance, there are various questions you need to clear out first.
Car owners in Australia often have stories to tell, good and bad experiences which have cost them a fortune. In most cases, when you are in an accident, you may quickly get your car insurance provider to pay for the damages even if you may end up losing your accrued no-claim bonus.
The best way is to learn a bit more about your third party insurance and any important details that you ought to be familiar with. Asking your insurance provider the right questions will get you the knowledge you need.
A common question that you can ask is if your daughter or son can drive your car on your comprehensive car insurance. In such a scenario, ask the insurance provider if you can include your child in the policy before they use the vehicle. This is essential because if they drive your car and be involved in an accident, not being listed on your plan as a regular driver, you could be charged with an unlisted driver excess in addition to your excess if they are at fault.
Another matter you can clarify on is if your insurance covers you when driving other people’s cars. In most cases, your vehicle insurance will not cover you if you are driving another person’s car and end up causing an accident. Usually, if you are at fault and the person’s car is covered by a ctp, you will be responsible for settling the repairs or replacements cost that comes with the vehicle. This is also inclusive of replacement costs for the third party vehicle or property you damaged.