
Basic Corvette Tips & Maintenance


Corvette owners take great pride in maintaining their Corvette to the highest standards. Mediocre care and service is just not acceptable. Your Corvette deserves the best. It is very important that you read over some of the Corvette tips found in this article as this may help eliminate future Corvette headaches down the road. It is very important that when you are looking for used Corvettes for sale to confirm the previous owner’s care and maintenance schedule for the car. You want to know that it was well-kept and treated properly.

Corvette Care
Caring for your Corvette is not a guessing game, and hopefully you already know that the Corvette has a few things that need to be done a specific way, like how it is lifted for tire or oil changes for example. Lifting your Corvette to perform these regular maintenance duties has a bit of know-how behind it beyond what it takes to life your average car, and the Corvette is by no means an average car. Most Corvette owners are also Corvette enthusiast, and take the maintenance of their Corvette seriously. This gives them the longest possible lifespan for their Corvette, and also allows it to run at peak performance year round.

How To Lift A Corvette
Lifting a Corvette without the proper tools and knowledge of how to do so will end in disaster as the Corvette has specific points where the jack’s pressure points can be applied. Missing these pressure points can result in cracked fiberglass body work, broken windows or worse.

Lifting a Corvette is a surprisingly difficult task, even if you have access to a low profile lift, which most mechanics or car service shops do not have. It is also very rare to find a non-Corvette dealer or shop that has the proper lifting pads or pressure pads for your Corvette. If you have to take your Corvette to a shop that doesn’t specialize in Corvette services, then you will want to build or buy a set of low ramps to assist the Corvette onto the main ramp without damaging the fiberglass body work or ground effects.

If you own a C4 Corvette, then you will also want to have the mechanic crack the doors, windows and trunk, so that any twisting will have room to move around a little. Though this is typically only done on C4 Corvettes, it can’t hurt to do it on other models as well. Allowing for this “room to budge” will prevent windows from breaking and will reduce the chances of body damage.

We’ve also heard a lot of stories of people having their Corvette wheels stolen by thieves who had no idea how to “jack up” a Corvette. The owners didn’t pay much attention when they went in to get new wheels put on, and found out later that the frame had twisted and body work on the undercarriage had been broken. If your wheels are every stolen, it is likely that the thief didn’t know how to jack up a Corvette. Have it checked out before driving.

Corvette Battery
If for any reason you have to store your Corvette, or you plan on not driving it for longer than a week, you will need to unplug the battery. Leaving your battery wired to the car will drain it, even though the car isn’t “using” it. The battery still produces power to the components such as the clock, remote started, etc. Unplugging it will keep it from going dead.

Now, don’t get me wrong. The Corvette is an extremely reliable car, and it is not likely that you will have trouble with it. However, like anything that is made by man, there can be issues that need to be addressed. Maxie Price Chevrolet simply wants to make sure that you have the knowledge to keep your Corvette running like a champ for years to come.

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