
What if I have overpaid the green slip and now I need a refund for it after a policy change?


The chances are rare that you will overpay the ctp green slip because of the fact that when you are paying for the compulsory third party insurance nsw you are surely paying for the least or for the minimum required a policy that is essential for all of the drivers in NSW Australia.

But the fact is that there could be a policy change, or there could be a revised CTP cost that may be applied by the government and according to the law the companies that provide the green slip, they will have to refund or process a refund request for you to get the amount that has been overpaid.

In that case, it is necessary for the insured person to investigate if it is true that the policy has been updated and the people who already have paid for the CTP for the next 6 months are found eligible for the refund.

In case if that is true and you qualify for the refund, you may consult the company or the concerned department so that you know the actual process that you need to follow.

In most cases you will have to follow the following steps:

Evaluate your refund claim

The first thing is that you need to evaluate and check if you are eligible for the refund.  You can compare the dates when the policy has been updated and if it is applicable to yours, you can apply for the refund according to the states amount that is due to be paid.

Contact the concerned department

You should contact the concerned department that has been authorized to process the refund and send forward the claim for approval.

File for your refund claim

After consideration is done the claim is processed and you will get a refund as per the policy or act implemented by the government.

Follow-up in case of any discrepancies

In case of any discrepancies you may follow up to offer further details so that there are no confusions and claim would be processed normally.